Shinewhole’s Robe と 聖者のローブ 比較

初期スペック最終スペック - アップグレード情報なし)

  • Def+196
  • Def +50
  • Vit & Str +10
  • Max HP +3,600
  • Gear ASPD +5%
  • Crit.Dmg +5%
  • Every 200 Max HP will provide the bearer with 1 Atk
  • M.Def +10%
  • Every 1 refining increases Def by 1%.
  • When refining reaches +5 and equipping a blunt weapon or knuckles, Atk +5%. When refining reaches +10 and equipping a blunt weapon or knuckles, Critical +2 & Crit.Dmg +10%. When refining reaches +15 and equipping a blunt weapon or knuckles, Critical +3 & Crit.Dmg +15%.
  • Starting from refined +8, every +1 refining increases Crit.Dmg by 2% (up to 16%).
  • [Slash V] + [Shinewhole’s Robe]: Gear ASPD +5%, Atk +5%
  • [Studded Knuckles] + [Shinewhole’s Robe]: Max HP +5%
  • [Heaven's Wrath] + [Shinewhole’s Robe]: Gear ASPD +5%, Atk +5%



  • Def +170
  • Vit +10
  • Max HP +2500
  • Attack Spd +5%
  • Str +5
  • M.Def +5%
  • Every 200 points of Max HP will bring 1 point of Atk for the wearer
  • [Studded Knuckles] + [Saint's Cape IV]: Max HP +5%
  • [Slash V] +[Saint's Cape IV]: Equipment ASPD +5%, Atk +5%
  • When Refining is +5 and a blunt weapon or Knuckles are equipped, ATK +5%
  • When Refining is +10 and a blunt weapon or Knuckles are equipped, Crit +2 and Crit DMG +5%
  • When Refining is +15 and a blunt weapon of Knuckles are equipped, Crit +3 and Crit DMG +10%


  • DEF + 72
  • VIT+5
  • DEF+50
  • Max HP +800
  • Every 200 points of Max HP will bring 1 point of Atk for the wearer
  • [Studded Knuckles] + [Saint's Cape IV]: Max HP +5%
  • [Slash V] +[Saint's Cape IV]: Equipment ASPD +5%, Atk +5%


0段目Max HP +150
1段目Max HP +200, VIT +1
2段目Max HP +200, VIT +2
3段目Max HP +250, VIT +2
4段目Def +24, Max HP +400
5段目Def +24, Max HP +500
6段目Attack Spd +5%,STR +5,M.Def +5%
7段目When Refining is +5 and a blunt weapon or Knuckles are equipped, ATK +5%. When Refining is +10 and a blunt weapon or Knuckles are equipped, Crit +2 and Crit DMG +5%. When Refining is +15 and a blunt weapon of Knuckles are equipped, Crit +3 and Crit DMG +10%




効果Shinewhole’s Robe聖者のローブ
Max HP+3600+1100+2500
Gear Aspd+5%
Attack Spd+5%
Vit & Str +10
Every 200 Max HP will provide the bearer with 1 Atk
Every 1 refining increases Def by 1%
When refining reaches +5 and equipping a blunt weapon or knuckles, Atk +5%
When refining reaches +10 and equipping a blunt weapon or knuckles, Critical +2 & Crit.Dmg +10%
When refining reaches +15 and equipping a blunt weapon or knuckles, Critical +3 & Crit.Dmg +15%
Starting from refined +8, every +1 refining increases Crit.Dmg by 2% (up to 16%)
[Slash V] + [Shinewhole’s Robe]: Gear ASPD +5%, Atk +5%
[Studded Knuckles] + [Shinewhole’s Robe]: Max HP +5%
[Heaven's Wrath] + [Shinewhole’s Robe]: Gear ASPD +5%, Atk +5%
Every 200 points of Max HP will bring 1 point of Atk for the wearer
[Studded Knuckles] + [Saint's Cape IV]: Max HP +5%
[Slash V] +[Saint's Cape IV]: Equipment ASPD +5%, Atk +5%
When Refining is +5 and a blunt weapon or Knuckles are equipped, ATK +5%
When Refining is +10 and a blunt weapon or Knuckles are equipped, Crit +2 and Crit DMG +5%
When Refining is +15 and a blunt weapon of Knuckles are equipped, Crit +3 and Crit DMG +10%