Tacaro [1]
- Atk +650
- Str +18
- For refining +5, +10, +15, Atk +5%, +10%, +15%
- Auto attack increased by 150
- For each +1 refining, auto attack increases by 60.
- SP cost of Dragon Combo -10%. SP Cost of Fallen Empire -10%. Triple Attack Dmg +10%. Every 1 refining grants Triple Attack Dmg +2%.
- Auto Attacks have a 5% chance to increase physical damage by 5% for 10s, stacking up to 3 times.
- Auto attacks have a 30% chance to trigger a Spirit Bomb. Each Spirit Bomb increases the carrier's chances of triggering Triple Attack by 1%.
- When killing a target, your Move Spd increases by 15% for 5 secs.
- Tacaro + Noble Bracer IV: Every Auto Attack Increases Spirit Bomb Chance by 60%.